Comprehensive, Scientific, Unbiased Forensic Assessments
My Forensic Services
Child Custody
My child custody-related evaluation services provide a comprehensive and impartial assessment of children's well-being and best interests in custody disputes. I conduct in-depth evaluations encompassing interviews, observations, psychological assessments, and collateral information gathering. I aim to offer an objective and evidence-based perspective on parenting capabilities, child-parent relationships, and the overall environment, facilitating informed decisions by courts or parents to ensure the most suitable custody arrangements for the children involved. My commitment to ethical standards and rigorous methodology ensures that my evaluations contribute to creating a safe and nurturing environment for children during the challenging custody determination process.
$10,000 retainer - billed at $300 per hour
Immigration Waivers
My immigration waiver N-648 evaluation service provides a specialized assessment designed to aid individuals seeking U.S. citizenship or permanent residency who may have medical or psychological conditions that impact their ability to meet the English and civics requirements for naturalization. I conduct thorough evaluations, including clinical interviews, medical assessments, and psychological examinations, to determine the applicant's eligibility for a waiver based on their disability or impairment. We are dedicated to assisting individuals in navigating the complex immigration process, ensuring they receive the appropriate consideration and documentation required to pursue their immigration goals while adhering to all legal and regulatory requirements.
$300 per assessment
Competency & Sanity
My competency and sanity evaluation service offers a comprehensive and unbiased assessment of an individual's mental state and cognitive abilities within a legal context. I conduct thorough evaluations, including clinical interviews, psychological testing, and review of medical records and legal documents, to determine an individual's competence to stand trial, make legal decisions, or be held criminally responsible for their actions. I adhere to the highest ethical standards and provide objective and well-documented reports that assist the legal system in making informed decisions about an individual's mental capacity or sanity, ensuring that justice is served while respecting the rights and dignity of those undergoing evaluation. I mainly conduct these evaluations in my office, but I will also go to confinement facilities when needed.
$300 per hour